Sunday, March 3, 2019

An Analysis of the Geography of Witchcraft

Benjamin C. Ray wrote The Geography of Witchcraft Accusation in 1692 Salam Village in order to imply that geographical analysis of the witchery accusation, economic, religious as well as social status shows in that respect was no significant east-west division within Salam Village. In the article, Ray points tabu that the map included in Salam Possessed is not only interpretative but similarly incomplete.He states that there was an inconsistency in bountiful a numerical count of accusers and accused in the village. Moreover, he questions close the setting of the demarcation line at the center of the map. Ray as well as offers a revise map of the accusation due to incorrect human activity of accuser and accused and intend exclusion of eighter from Decatur afflicted girls and the five villagers. From the revised map, Ray reveals that there is no significant division.Conversely, Boyer and Nissenbaum stated that inclusion of the eight afflicted girls would not significantly cha nge the geographic pattern because they were not decisive shapers and also six of eight were not living in the parents house during the witchery outbreak. Although Boyer and Nissenbaum provided a wide range of information think to the accusation, they failed to present data as given in sources and convincing explanations. Apparently, they intended to show the division in the Village by looking at the map.However, Ray not only indicates errors contained in the map but also reveals the different possible interpretation which can be drawn last from the revised map. I believe the use of the map for illustrating the east-west division of the witchcraft accusation in inappropriate. for omission of accusers and location of the demarcation line, and Boyer and Nissenbaum introduced idea of geographic distribution in the patterns of witchcraft accusation in the first chapter of capital of Oregon Possessed.

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