Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Prerequisites for Marketing Essay

In order for any organization or family to successfully market their product there are certain prerequisites that must(prenominal) be met. The first subject needed, is for there to be at least two parties that have a certain need which is not being met. It could be Senior that needs some daily genial publication and an Adult Day administer that is looking to offer seniors a social outlet, included in this prerequisite there must clearly be an exchange transpiring between the two parties The Adult Day Care will offer the senior a social outlet in exchange for a reimbursement from the seniors Insurance.The second prerequisite obviously is for one caller to have the desire, or the means to fulfill the other parties needs. Last precisely not least there needs to be some come apart of communication between the two parties, where each one learns of the others existence, and wants. A politico incitening for Governor must find out what the race that recognize in the state he is running for want. If the politician feels that the people in the state want marijuana to be legalized and then he should run campaign ads saying that he will legalize marijuana.He should communicate at college campuses, and hold events at places where there is known to be a high usage of marijuana use. The politicians need is to become Governor the peoples need is for marijuana to be legalized. The politician will be able to facilitate the peoples need if they facilitate his voting for him. A consumer that seeks personal therapy, must first make sure he has sufficient currency to pay for his physical therapy. Either from his own private funds, or he has an Insurance that will cover the costs for his physical therapy.Then he must find a rehab center that will offer him the specialised physical therapy that he needs. There are several factors that a fraternity needs to look into before choosing health coverage for its employees. The first thing is to see if the employees are w illing to work without getting health benefits. If you notify get good employees that dont demand health benefits, then there is no need for the company to spend the money, providing them with health care. If the unless way you can get good qualified employees, is by providing them with health care.

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